Medicine is truly a blend of sciences and arts.
There are fine arts in applying the science of medicine.
But, not all arts in life can be explained by scientific reason.
I never considered medicine for study until after I got my SPM result.
It was a tough decision for me who never had any dream of it before.
I just followed my instinct at that time.
I built up the interest bit by bit throughout the 7 years (5 years in medical school plus 2 years in matriculation center) of journey.
Now, I know that I do not want to lose this very special field in life.
This blog is meant for me to jot down my experience in this field for sharing purpose.
It will be more towards exam-oriented (I guess), but we'll see how will I do about it.
I am only an ordinary student; going to hospital everyday-clerking the patients, presenting cases to the lecturers, discussing with friends, preparing my case reports and summaries, unable to recall facts that much and most frequently being scolded by specialist when unanswerable to 'simple' questions.
Despite the feeling of inadequacy, I'm fighting with time to fulfill my addiction in other activities, and, consequently I'll be feeling very tired and sleeping as early as 9.00pm. ~sigh~
(for the readers for not to expect much from my blog)
May this effort benefits me and you =)
Insya Allah
Happy reading!
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi
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